For designers, marketers, and other professionals in every web design and development company who want to harness the power of color, it’s important to remember that colors mean different things to different people depending on their life experiences.
As a designer, there are numerous ways to consider color. The color wheel is useful for matching colors or distinguishing between primary and secondary colors. However, when contemplating the individual meanings of colors, the “Roy G. Biv” lineup can be useful. When we arrange the colors in this order, the meanings change as we move from left to right. The colors on the far left evoke physical or external action. For example, red could mean “stop!” or “buy now before it’s too late!” Colors on the far right, on the other hand, elicit introspection. Purple, for example, is associated with spiritual endeavors and enlightenment.
Color is one of the most powerful tools in the toolbox of any web design and development company. Discover what influences color meanings and why they are so potent. According to biologist Timothy H. Goldsmith, “color is not actually a property of light or of objects that reflect light.” It’s a mental sensation. And those sensations can be extremely potent. Colors have the ability to alter our moods, influence our memory, and even increase or decrease our heart rate.
If you’re an athlete facing a well-matched competitor, wearing red can tip the scales in your favor. Seasonal Affective Disorder is frequently treated with blue light therapy. In fact, one study discovered that installing blue lights at train stations in Japan reduced suicide rates by an astounding 74%. We don’t just see colors; we feel them, making them one of the most powerful tools in the toolbox of a web design and development company designer. Whether you’re designing a logo or simply color-coding a spreadsheet, it’s critical to select colors that complement your message rather than ones that could work against you.
This perplexing aspect of color is clarified by the unexpected difference between light perception and sound perception. When different colored light beams, such as red and yellow, are projected in equal amounts onto a white surface, the resulting perception of the eye signals a single color (in this case, orange) to the brain, a signal that may be identical to that produced by a single beam of light. When two musical tones are sounded at the same time, the individual tones can still be distinguished; the sound produced by a combination of tones is never identical to that produced by a single tone.
A color, on the other hand, can be precisely specified by its hue, saturation, and brightness—three characteristics that are sufficient to distinguish it from all other possible perceived colors. Hue is the aspect of color that is usually associated with terms like red, orange, yellow, and so on. Saturation (also referred to as chroma or tone) is a measure of relative purity. When a pure, vivid, strong shade of red is mixed with a variable amount of white, weaker or paler reds with the same hue but different saturation are produced. These paler hues are referred to as unsaturated hues.