Vacuum cups are very useful equipment; they serve the purpose of many automated handling systems. Their applications are spread from lifting and moving cola cans to car components. Hence, to accomplish the same Convum vacuum cups as preferably used. Vacuum cups are of different types, sizes, construction styles, and other preferred categories. However, if you are planning to buy vacuum cups, you must consider the following factors.
Vacuum cups are designed in numerous organized ways to cater to the client’s needs. They consider the shape, the material, and the exterior and interior design. The design of the cups includes ribs on either their exteriors or interiors for a firm support mechanism required to hold a product in place firmly.
When it comes to the design of the vacuum caps, the shape is designated as an important factor. The vacuum cups are available in two shapes – flat and bellows. The flat caps are used in handling flat or curved workpieces. Flat vacuum cups are manufactured to pick plates made of glass or metal, plastic sheets, and other similar flat objects. These vacuum cups are well-designed to cater to the demands of the industries. They have a rigid and stable design so that they can handle high shear forces and fast automated-handling movements. Moreover, bellows vacuum or suction cups are proficient at handling parts that have uneven surface texture. Convum vacuum cups with the bellow version are used to lift machine components. The components include car body panels, pipes, tubes, shrink-wrapped products, and more.
Interior volume
Interior volume is a crucial factor in determining the vacuum level and the cup’s holding force. Flat vacuum cups have a small inner volume which is appreciable when it comes to holding a grip for a long time. However, a cup volume calculation is not very tough. Just follow the simple procedure; first, measure the quantity of air required in your mixture. Then, multiply the measurement by the number of cups you will be using. Once the amount is decided, now it’s time to calculate how long it will take for all of the air bubbles to escape.
While purchasing vacuum cups, you must consider the operating and workpiece temperatures. The strength of the materials largely depends on the construction and titration methods. And also at the workplace where the workpiece is going to be used. The vacuum cups also go through rough or porous surfaces or wash down solvents. For Instance, vacuum cups made of silicone can go through – 30 to 180 degrees Celsius and fluoroelastomers to nearly 200 degrees Celsius.
Hence, these are some of the factors that one should consider before buying vacuum cups. However, if you are planning to buy vacuum cups, you must consider dasservicesinc.com. They are known for providing the best Convum Vacuum Pads to small-scale factories for automation and robotic components at affordable rates. They have been providing these elegant services for the last three decades of excellent service. Also, they are proficient in providing the best quality of pneumatic equipment, optical sensors, tube fittings, Pisco Vacuum Accessories and many more.