Print marketing is a powerful tool for businesses. It’s also a great way to stand out from the crowd. If you’re looking for some ideas on how to get started with your next print marketing campaign, consider these three steps:

Create a Brand Identity

It’s vital to ensure that your brand identity is consistent across channels. A good way to do this is by using a unique and memorable logo, which you can use across your entire marketing strategy.

The colour scheme and fonts used in your print materials should also be consistent with the rest of your brand.

For example, if you are using red as an accent colour in all other marketing materials, then it would make sense to incorporate this into the design of your print piece as well. The same applies to font type and size; try not to change them around too much so that readers know what they’re getting each time they see something from you!

You should also think about how visual imagery will contribute to making sure that everything looks like it belongs together (i.e., if there are images on one channel but not another).

Give a Clear Call-to-Action

A call-to-action is a phrase that tells your audience what to do next. If you want people to buy something, buy now. If you want them to visit a website, visit here. If you want them to sign up for your newsletter and stay in touch, sign up now!

It sounds simple enough: just write out the action verb and then add an imperative statement telling them what they should do next with it.

But this isn’t always easy when structuring your print marketing materials—especially when working with other people who may not be familiar with calls-to-action or copywriting in general. It’s important to make sure every piece of content has a clear call-to-action so there isn’t any confusion about what readers are supposed to do next!

Use Specific Promotions

Promotions should be targeted to specific segments, geographic areas, times of year, products or services, and audiences. It’s important to pay attention to what’s happening in your industry and know when your customers are most likely to purchase from you. For example, if it’s summertime and people are spending more time outside with their families and friends (and less time on their computers), then it may be a good time for you to run a sale on pool toys or sunscreen—but not so much for winter sweaters!

Use Colour, but Use It Right

Colour is a big deal. It’s the first thing that draws your eye to information, and it can communicate a mood or tone of your content. Colour can even be used to highlight important points and information. As you’re thinking about how best to use colour in your marketing materials, here are some tips:

  • Use colour to draw attention to important information. You want people reading your ad or flyer, so make sure that they are drawn into what you want them to see first!
  • Use colour for contrast when emphasizing different elements of text or images throughout an ad or flyer. This lets readers know what information is most important without having to read through the entire piece (which could be cumbersome).

Contrasting colours also help break up large blocks of text into manageable chunks that aren’t overwhelming for readers’ eyes when scanning quickly for relevant features such as discounts or special offers. This makes them more likely read everything rather than just skim over it without knowing what they’re missing out on! If ou are not sure which contrasting colours to use, you can always consult a print & design business such as Printroom banner printing.

Think About These Different Tips When Planning Your Print Marketing Strategy

There are a few general tips that can help you improve your print marketing strategy.

  • If you’re running a campaign, it’s important to keep things as simple as possible. Don’t put too much text on your page, and don’t use more than three colours for the images (four maximum if absolutely necessary). Too much information can confuse customers and deter them from responding to your offer.
  • You should also think about the kind of incentive that will encourage repeat business from existing clients—for example, discounts off future purchases or coupons for new products you offer.
  • This will make them feel like they got something extra out of their initial purchase, which helps build loyalty over time and ensures they’ll come back again when they have more money to spend on promotional products for their company!


We hope these tips help you create an effective print marketing strategy. Remember, it’s important to keep things simple, be clear about your goals and target audience, and make sure that everything fits together seamlessly as part of a cohesive brand identity!